Monday, August 30, 2010

I received an email saying I needed to create a blog so here is my blog

               Unlike many of the other members of RTF 305, I am not an RTF major and unless something extraordinary happens will most likely not be anytime soon. I am taking the course because I have always been intrigued by film and consider myself something of a movie buff. The class itself seemed to be pretty interesting as well, and from it I am hoping to take from it a general understanding of the media as it affects the society within which we live, and vice versa. Now that I’m here though, the idea of having movie screenings every so often is definitely a bonus.

I am currently a freshman psychology major considering a switch to the college of communications to study journalism, though I am honestly still figuring out what career I wish to delve into. My passions are writing, running, recycling, and generally helping people, but my depth extends far beyond where such activities would suggest or could be accurately described in a few hundred words. I hope you have a great day =)

interesting blog: 

an interesting stop-motion video i found a while back: